Sigma Products > Polychem Strappers

Packaging Supplies

Polychem Strappers

Polychem PC-101 Semi-Automatic Strapper

Just what you need for a tabletop strapping machine. They are highly dependable and economical for low to moderate shipping room applications. The PC101 is a closed cabinet design.

Polychem PC-102 Semi Automatic Strapper

PC102 is just what you would want in a tabletop strapping machine. They are highly dependable and economical for low to moderate shipping room applications. The PC102 has an open cabinet and the legs are adjustable for height. Both machines use econo

Polychem PC1000 Automatic Arch Strapper

For medium to heavy production use, we recommend our high-speed PC1000 series machine. The PC1000 machine can cycle up to 65 straps per minute. It is available in stainless steel for the meat, fish and poultry industries, and can be ordered with[...]

Polychem PC2000CX Strapper

This operatorless automatic arch strapping machine provides reliable, high-speed service for a variety of applications. Designed for most in-line industrial production, including graphic arts, cut-size paper, packaged foods, and carton closure.